How to Start Affiliate Marketing (Maxbounty Approval Tips & Peerfly Approval Tips)
Hello Readers, Welcome back again. Today we will discuss The Maxbounty Approval Tips to get approve Maxbounty Sign-up application or Same as How to get Approve Peerfly Sign-up application. Same possess you can get approve your application to any other Affiliate marketing networks. Click here to know, How to find a good affiliate networks and a list of good CPA affiliate networks list.
Click here to Sign up in or after you click sign up link it will take you to their sign up page and you must need to fill up some forms. let’s see below, what kind of info they wants from publisher and how to provide it in right way.
Contact Info & Postal Address: First of all, don’t lie in this section. Fill the form about you, your address and contact info with true info, because they will call you for verification. Address is for sending check if you want to take payment via check.
Promotion Methods: This is the most difficult part to sign up in every single Affiliate networks. If it goes maxbounty / Peerfly then it’s the most important part. There are few options here to fill up, without feeling it up you cannot be their member. So be careful while you filling it up and try to be honest. Show your experience level and knowledge with most sweet able sentence. (Keep it secret; if you want to lie a bit then control your tongue and lie like near truth)
- How would you describe your experience level: if you are beginner then try to be honest, because when they call you and ask you few questions then they will understand your experience level. But if you know a bit affiliate marketing, what is affiliate marketing, how its works, how to promote products etc then don’t heisted to write “I have a little bit of experience”
- How do you currently promote offers: This is the most trick part. Your whole membership will depend on this section. You have to impress them by writing a good review of your promoting system. I am showing a demo “I will mainly use PPC as my promotion method. My daily target to spend on PPC $30-$50. My every websites and contents are according the offers keyword research. I am member of some social groups with over 15 million members. I am planning to promote offers via my website, unique content by based on offers keyword, SMM and directly PPC, PPV and email marketing as my promotion method.” dear reader, don’t copy it and paste. if everyone write the same then it will be a mess. write your own by taking this idea.
- What offer(s) are you looking for: Most selling affiliates items are health, weight loss, games, digital products, dating, etc but you must provide first few choice based on your personal website.
- Your website URL: To be an affiliate networks member, you must need a good ranking website. They have several options to promote their offers but they want to see your website and it’s quality. If you don’t have any good website with useful content then you should use your friend’s website URL.
- Is this account for incentive traffic: As you are a beginner affiliate marketer you should choose “No”
Payment Info:In this section you provide, How you want to take your hard working payment money. Electric payment like, skrill, payza, paypal, payoneer, check etc. For Maxbounty you can change it any time after you approve.
Agreements – Read and Check: It’s better to read it properly. I know it’s takes so much time but its good for any agreements to read it carefully.
Verification Call and Answers: Maxbounty and others brand affiliate networks must call you before they make you as their member. They call and talk about your experience level, how you will promote etc. Answering their call and represent yourself is very important part of approval sign-up process. Even you know a lots about affiliate marketing, it will not help if you can’t impress them by phone call. Lets discuss below, what they can ask and the answers:
- Greetings, Name & Address: This is not very important but they test your English level. Because working as a affiliate marketer you must need good English knowledge, not like mine lol.
- How long time you promoting CPA offers: More than 6 months with different networks. (if you lie please don’t heisted, straight answer will help you)
- How you want to promote our offers: This is it, now you have to show your experience level and knowledge. “My first promoting system PPC (pay per click). Also I use PPV (pay per view). My website and products based contain with very good seo. I have my website subscribed email list with different category. I have very good Facebook page with lots flowers, it will help me for SMM.
- What PPC networks you use: google adword, exoclick, eroadvertising, Adhitz, tlvmedia. chitika, 7search and others
- What PPV networks you use: directcpv, juicyad, and some other networks name if you can find in Google.
- Social Media: Facebook ads, Facebook page, Facebook group posts, twitter, Google plus etc
- Other networks : Click bank, Commission Junction, Clicksure, abovealloffers, juggcash, datinggold etc (Click here to see good CPA lists)
Thank you for reading this post. I hope it will be useful for you. Just remember, be smart when they call you. If you don’t know anything don’t mess-up with it. Be straight and tell them I don’t know about it but soon I will get knowledge about this. Best of luck.
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