Wednesday, August 17, 2016

How to Get Approved on CPA Network

How to Get Approved on CPA Networks!

I decided to put together a step-by-step guide about getting approved on CPA Networks for beginners. I'll share the 9 most common questions CPA Networks ask newbies. And what to do if you get DENIED! 

Getting Approved on CPA Networks in 6 Steps

1. Apply to the right networks, don't waste your time with the knock offs and unknown networks. I suggest all newbies apply to Peerfly and MaxBounty.
These networks are great for beginners. You should apply to all of them, this way you have a wide offer selection.
(Don't make the mistake I did of joining only 1 network when starting out. It really limits you.)
2. The main concept when applying to these networks is to be honest about things. There is no need to try to beef up your application for the CPA Networks or anything down those lines.
Also, NEVER pay for CPA Network accounts from anyone, this is a major scam. Report the seller to the CPA network immediately.
3. CPA Networks will generally ask you a string of questions on the application or sometime via an over the phone interview. Here is what to expect…
What is your website?
If you have a website you plan on running your ads on share it. If you have a company website or even a simple personal blog, go ahead and share it. If you don't have any websites or landing pages, and plan on direct linking just share the URL the place on running traffic from for example.
If you only share your traffic source URL be sure to explain in the notes and when you follow up, that plan to use that website as your traffic source.
Also, you could use a Facebook or LinkedIn page if your profile is public.
What is your vertical?
Vertical means niche. They want to know what do you advertise? Dating offers, Weight Loss, ect?
If you are brand new tell them you're just starting out, and plan to test X vertical.
How do you intend on promoting our offers?
Share how you plan on advertising or getting traffic to their offers.
Will you be running “incent” or incentivized traffic?
No, you don't want to ever run incentivized traffic on a network, unless the network is specifically designed for it or the offer clearly states you are allowed.
Incentivize traffic is when you to give the user a bonus for completing an offer. This could be points, locked content, prizes, or cash.
How much traffic do you anticipate generating?
Give them an estimate, or as I like to tell them “Depends on your offer selection.”
It is just really hard to tell, how much I'll use a network without seeing inside.
How much do you spend daily/weekly/monthly on advertising?
Tell them how much you currently spend. If you're just starting out, tell them you are new and give them the estimated amount you predict.
What is your traffic source?
Share with them your traffic source(s).
How much experience do you have?
Just be honest about this.
Are you a member of any other Affiliate or CPA Networks? If so which ones?
If you are, feel free to share, also it is common for applications to ask for your Affiliate Manager's contact info at the network(s) you are currently on. Go ahead and share this as well.
If you're brand new and aren't on any other networks, just let them know.
How did you hear about our network?
This one shouldn't be too hard.
4. After applying, reach out to them. Give the networks a call, and ask them if there is anything you can do to help make sure your application gets approved. I like to also find out who does approvals and shot him or her a message. This lets them know you are serious and committed. Here is the contact info the previously recommend networks…
Peerfly – Read this page here.
MaxBounty – Here.
5. What to do if you get denied? As I explained in my “How I Made $50/Day as a Newbie!” …
If your application gets denied at first, don’t worry this is pretty common just contact them. Explain your situation.
Affiliate and CPA networks don’t want to keep newbies off, they just want to keep scammers off. So you have nothing to be worried about. (I even get denied sometimes. :) )
Just reach out to them, ask them why, explain your situation, and see what you can do to change things.
MaxBounty's contact info is listed above, for Peerfly, follow this guide here.
6. Lastly be persistent. Like I said, I've been denied from a handful of CPA networks in my career, so don't sweat it! Keep at it. :)

How to Start Affiliate Marketing (Maxbounty Approval Tips & Peerfly Approval Tips)

How to Start Affiliate Marketing (Maxbounty Approval Tips & Peerfly Approval Tips)

Hello Readers, Welcome back again. Today we will discuss The Maxbounty Approval Tips to get approve Maxbounty Sign-up application or Same as How to get Approve Peerfly Sign-up application. Same possess you can get approve your application to any other Affiliate marketing networks. Click here to know, How to find a good affiliate networks and a list of good CPA affiliate networks list.   
Click here to Sign up in or after you click sign up link it will take you to their sign up page and you must need to fill up some forms. let’s see below, what kind of info they wants from publisher and how to provide it in right way.
Contact Info & Postal Address: First of all, don’t lie in this section. Fill the form about you, your address and contact info with true info, because they will call you for verification. Address is for sending check if you want to take payment via check.
Promotion Methods: This is the most difficult part to sign up in every single Affiliate networks. If it goes maxbounty / Peerfly then it’s the most important part. There are few options here to fill up, without feeling it up you cannot be their member. So be careful while you filling it up and try to be honest. Show your experience level and knowledge with most sweet able sentence.  (Keep it secret; if you want to lie a bit then control your tongue and lie like near truth)
  1. How would you describe your experience level: if you are beginner then try to be honest, because when they call you and ask you few questions then they will understand your experience level. But if you know a bit affiliate marketing, what is affiliate marketing, how its works, how to promote products etc then don’t heisted to write “I have a little bit of experience”
  2. How do you currently promote offers: This is the most trick part. Your whole membership will depend on this section. You have to impress them by writing a good review of your promoting system. I am showing a demo “I will mainly use PPC as my promotion method. My daily target to spend on PPC $30-$50. My every websites and contents are according the offers keyword research. I am member of some social groups with over 15 million members. I am planning to promote offers via my website, unique content by based on offers keyword, SMM and directly PPC, PPV and email marketing as my promotion method.” dear reader, don’t copy it and paste. if everyone write the same then it will be a mess. write your own by taking this idea.
  3. What offer(s) are you looking for: Most selling affiliates items are health, weight loss, games, digital products, dating, etc but you must provide first few choice based on your personal website.
  4. Your website URL: To be an affiliate networks member, you must need a good ranking website. They have several options to promote their offers but they want to see your website and it’s quality. If you don’t have any good website with useful content then you should use your friend’s website URL.
  5. Is this account for incentive traffic: As you are a beginner affiliate marketer you should choose “No”
Payment Info:In this section you provide, How you want to take your hard working payment money. Electric payment like, skrill, payza, paypal, payoneer, check etc. For Maxbounty you can change it any time after you approve.
Agreements – Read and Check: It’s better to read it properly. I know it’s takes so much time but its good for any agreements to read it carefully.
Verification Call and Answers: Maxbounty and others brand affiliate networks must call you before they make you as their member. They call and talk about your experience level, how you will promote etc. Answering their call and represent yourself is very important part of approval sign-up process. Even you know a lots about affiliate marketing, it will not help if you can’t impress them by phone call. Lets discuss below, what they can ask and the answers:
  1. Greetings, Name & Address: This is not very important but they test your English level. Because working as a affiliate marketer you must need good English knowledge, not like mine lol.
  2. How long time you promoting CPA offers: More than 6 months with different networks. (if you lie please don’t heisted, straight answer will help you)
  3. How you want to promote our offers: This is it, now you have to show your experience level and knowledge. “My first promoting system PPC (pay per click). Also I use PPV (pay per view). My website and products based contain with very good seo.  I have my website subscribed email list with different category. I have very good Facebook page with lots flowers, it will help me for SMM.
  4. What PPC networks you use: google adword, exoclick, eroadvertising, Adhitz,   tlvmedia. chitika, 7search and others
  5. What PPV networks you use: directcpv, juicyad, and some other networks name if you can find in Google.
  6. Social Media: Facebook ads, Facebook page, Facebook group posts, twitter, Google plus etc
  7. Other networks : Click bank, Commission Junction, Clicksure, abovealloffers, juggcash, datinggold etc (Click here to see good CPA lists)
Thank you for reading this post. I hope it will be useful for you. Just remember, be smart when they call you. If you don’t know anything don’t mess-up with it. Be straight and tell them I don’t know about it but soon I will get knowledge about this. Best of luck.

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

What Is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization is the process of improving the visibility of a website on organic ("natural" or un-paid) search engine result pages (SERPs), by incorporating search engine friendly elements into a website. A successful search engine optimization campaign will have, as part of the improvements, carefully select, relevant, keywords which the on-page optimization will be designed to make prominent for search engine algorithms. Search engine optimization is broken down into two basic areas: on-page, and off-page optimization. On-page optimization refers to website elements which comprise a web page, such as HTML code, textual content, and images. Off-page optimization refers, predominantly, to backlinks (links pointing to the site which is being optimized, from other relevant websites).

Types of SEO

Types of SEO

As the colors of the types of search engine optimization suggest, there are stark differences in the approach and long-term results of white hat and black hat search engine optimization. Though both types of SEO have their proponents, most companies/websites with long-term, stable, and sustainable goals will tend to stay away from the dark-colored variety.
Here is a quick overview:
White Hat SEOBlack Hat SEO
DefinitionWhite hat SEO utilizes techniques and methods to improve the search engine rankings of a website which don't run afoul of search engine (mainly Google) guidelines.Black Hat SEO exploits weaknesses in the search engine algorithms to obtain high rankings for a website. Such techniques and methods are in direct conflict with search engine guidelines.
Wholesomeness LevelHighVery Low (not wholesome at all if you ask those in charge of cleaning search engine result page spam)
TechniquesSome white hat SEO techniques include: high quality content development, website HTML optimization and restructuring, link acquisition campaigns supported by high quality content and manual research and outreach.Some black hat SEO techniques include: link spam, keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text, and hidden links.
What to ExpectSteady, gradual, but lasting growth in rankings.Quick, unpredictable, and short-lasting growth in rankings.
The work of most search engine optimization companies, however, operate in a gray area, aptly named Gray Hat search engine optimization. Whether by design or pressure from clients to deliver results, many search engine optimization companies try to deliver solutions and results for customers by utilizing techniques which don't quite cross the line into black hat SEO, but are well outside of what would be considered white hat search engine optimization.
Gray hat search engine optimization is recognizable by 'affordable' pricing, since the search engine optimization company has to reduce cost by resorting to questionable techniques in order to deliver results, instead of highly involved campaign activities.
In the end there is really no 'right' or 'wrong' way to do search engine optimization, but those shopping forSEO services should be aware of the different types and approaches so that they know the level of risk they are taking on.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Can You Make Money from Affiliate Marketing? If so How?

Can You Make Money from Affiliate Marketing? If so How?

This is a follow up article for the “How do I Start a Blog and Make Money Online” series that we have been publishing on this blog to help the newbie’s get started with a blog.
Before I start, I would like to make one thing clear:

I do not believe in easy money and there are no magical tips in this article that will help you get rich overnight. So if you are after easy money then this article is not for you.
This article mainly covers the following topics:
What affiliate marketing is and the different types of affiliate marketingThe advantages of being an affiliate marketerSome tips and good practices to become a successful affiliate marketerSo, can you really make money from affiliate programs? Well yes and no; there is money in affiliate marketing but if YOU can make money from it or not depends on a lot of other factors such as your commitment, experience, site traffic etc.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

According to Wikipedia
“Affiliate marketing is a marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate’s marketing efforts”Basically, you as a publisher will be rewarded when you help a business by promoting their products or services. So for example, if you sign up for Tips and Ticks HQ’s affiliate program and promote it’s products then you will get a commission when the visitor you send from your site makes a purchase.
Affiliate marketing is probably one of the quickest and cheapest (not the easiest) ways to start making money online as you don’t have to create any products yourself. You simply link up a buyer and a seller, and you take a commission on the sale that has been referred by you.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?

When you join an Affiliate program and choose the products that you want to sell, sellers provide you with a unique affiliate code that you can use to refer traffic to the target site. Most affiliate programs will offer ready made text links, banners and other forms of creative copies whereby you only have to copy the code and place it on your website to start referring traffic. When interested visitors click on these links from your site they get redirected to the product site and if they purchase a product or subscribe to a service you as the referrer make a commission.
The sellers can track your performance through your affiliate ID and the affiliate softwares (eg. WP Affiliate Platform) that they use. You also have complete, real time access to all sales and commissions stats.
You don’t need to sell products all the time to make a commission. Different affiliate programs can use different payment terms such as:
Pay per Sale: In this program a merchant pays you a percentage of the sale price when the purchase is completed.Pay per Click: In this program you get paid based on the number of visitors you redirect to the Merchant’s website from your affiliate site, whether or not a sale is made.Pay per Lead: You get paid once the referred visitors provide their contact information on the target site by filling out a simple contact form.

Why be an Affiliate Marketer?

Affiliate marketing is considered to be one of the world’s fastest growing and best internet marketing techniques to earn money online and I will explain why:Cost effective: Marketing on the internet is cheap and you don’t have to worry about the production cost as the product is already developed by the seller. You don’t need a physical business location or hire employees either.Global Market: Online marketing gives you the opportunity to reach people all over the world easily.No Fees: You don’t need to pay anything to join affiliate programs.No Storage No Shipping: You don’t need to worry about storage, packing or shipment of the product. They are all taken care of by the seller.No customer support: You don’t need to provide any customer support or deal with consumer complaints as the Seller does that for you.Passive income: A regular job can give you a fixed income as long as you continue to work. Depending on your marketing skill Affiliate marketing can create a steady flow of income even when you are not in front of your computer.
Work from home: If you make enough money then you don’t have to worry about going to work at the same time every day or getting stuck in traffic. You can work in the comfort of your own home.Tips on Becoming a Successful Affiliate MarketerAfter reading all the benefits of affiliate marketing if you think you will be rich over night by selling affiliate products online then you are wrong. Affiliate marketing is definitely an excellent way to make money online but it’s highly competitive too. In order to be successful in Affiliate marketing you need to know the market needs, learn how to promote products, what works and what doesn’t. The following are a few tricks on becoming successful in affiliate marketing that I have learnt over time.

1. Only Choose a Handful of Good Products

The first mistake a lot of affiliate marketers make is that they register with too many different affiliate programs and try to promote everything. Pursuing affiliate marketing down this path can become very overwhelming and you won’t be able to promote any product properly. All you need in order to be successful is a handful of good products to promote. Try to understand the market needs and look for products that align correctly with the topic of your site.

2. Use Several Traffic Sources to Promote Products

Most affiliate marketers put up the ads only on their sites. There is nothing wrong with this approach but know that there are many other traffic sources that you can tap into and promote the products simultaneously. The more targeted traffic you can send to the sales page the more your chances are of making money.
Google Adwords can be used to drive targeted traffic to a sales page. You simply make an ad in your adwords account then use your affiliate link in the target page URL of the ad. Obviously, you will have to continuously measure the conversions and see if the campaign cost is less than the campaign profit in order to keep the campaign running but I am sure you get the idea.

3. Test, Measure and Track Your Affiliate Campaign

It is a very good idea to use different product promotion strategies so you can figure out what is working and what is not. Try to do split testing and measure the performance of each campaign then take actions accordingly. Changing a few things here and there can increase your profit dramatically. Make sure to place the banner ads on different areas of your site’s pages. Some positions will make the ads more noticeable than others.
Most affiliate programs will give you basic stats that you may need but there is nothing stopping you from using your own conversion tracking software too. There are many conversions tracking sofware out there that you can use to track your affiliate campaign.

4. Research the Demand of the Product

If you try to sell a product that is in low demand then chances are that you are not going to get many sales no matter how hard you try. So it is a good idea to spend a bit of time researching and finding out if a product that you are thinking of promoting is a product that your audience needs. If your site gets decent traffic then you can conduct an online survey and easily get input from your visitors.

5. Stay Current with New Methods and Techniques

Affiliate marketing is a very competitive field and people are always coming up with new techniques. Try to stay current with these new techniques and market trends otherwise you will fall behind.

6. Choose the Right Merchant

When you promote a product you also promote the person or the company who is behind the product so try to choose wisely. You don’t want your visitors to go and buy a product following your advice then come back unhappy. Do you think that this visitor will come back to your site and take your advice again? Most likely no; this can hurt your credibility in the long run. Usually, websites/company that offer good customer service will have better customer satisfaction so try to stick with promoting their products.

7. Use Helpful Tools

If you are serious about affiliate marketing then try to find tools that will help you be more efficient. There are many helpful tools out there. If you are using a WordPress powered site then consider getting a plugin similar to the Affiliate Link Manager.
Don’t just hope and pray that visitors will buy; setup everything correctly and make it happen! If you think that visitors will click on your affiliate links and buy just because you placed dozens of affiliate links on your website then you are wrong! You need to have a structured plan in place. Affiliate marketing is a business so you will have a much better chance of succeeding if you treat it like one.
I am sure I haven’t covered everything so please feel free to share your tips in the comment area below.

What is Affiliate Marketing?

What is Affiliate Marketing?

Some people remember the 1990’s as a tremendous period of growth for grunge music and Jim Carrey films. While this is true, most people will probably tell you the 90’s were responsible for this big, beautiful, technology called the World Wide Web (aka the internet, the web, the vast digital ocean of information at our finger tips). And with any new technology or media, companies quickly realized they had a new opportunity to market their products and services to consumers via the millions of websites they visit every day.With the emergence of search engines in the mid-1990’s, the internet ballooned into a massive e-commerce and information machine. Website owners were creating valuable content and providing tremendous benefits to their visitors, and these website owners wanted to be compensated for their hard work. Early forms of online advertising like CPM or fixed placement started seeing competition from emerging, more accountable forms of online advertising, like affiliate marketing. So, what is affiliate marketing?

Affiliate marketing at its very core is about relationships,
a relationship between three parties:
In the world of affiliate marketing, an advertiser can be a company selling a product like electronics, airline tickets, clothing or car parts, or an advertiser could also be an insurance company selling policies. The most important thing to remember is that you are an advertiser if you are ready to pay other people to help you sell and promote your business.

A publisher is an individual or company that promotes an advertiser’s product or service in exchange for earning a commission. Advertisers contractually agree to work with a publisher, then provide the publisher with creative – in the form of links, banner or text ads or even unique phone numbers – that the publisher incorporates into their website.
The final component that completes the affiliate relationship triangle is the consumer. The consumer is the one who actually sees the ad and then makes an action (either by clicking a link or by submitting their information via a form) that takes them from the publisher’s website to the advertiser’s to complete the action, which we call a conversion.

How Does Affiliate Marketing Work?
Let's face it: technology, especially the internet, can be pretty daunting to try to grasp, and with terms like malware, cursor and spam, it also seems pretty dangerous. So kudos to the guys who decided e-commerce and affiliate marketing should rely on an innocuous technology called a "cookie."

A cookie is a technology that works with web browsers to store information like user preferences, login or registration information, and shopping cart contents. Have you ever opted-in to have a website "remember" your password and username for one of your online accounts? That's a cookie. Ever notice while searching the web for "travel deals" and you suddenly start seeing travel display banners on other websites? Those ads are appearing for you because you've been cookied (it's okay, you won't get hurt).

In affiliate marketing, one task that cookies manage is to remember the link or ad the visitor to a website clicks on. Cookies can also store the date and time of the click, they can even be used to remember what kind of websites or content you like most. There are many different types of web cookies and uses, but the kind of cookie affiliate marketing relies on is called a first-party cookie.

When a user visits a publisher's website and clicks an advertiser's creative ad, the visitor's browser receives the CJ tracking cookie that identifies the advertiser, the publisher, the specific creative and commission amount. This data is stored within the link information in what are called "parameters" and can include even more anonymous data used for attribution.