How to Get Approved on CPA Networks!
I decided to put together a step-by-step guide about getting approved on CPA Networks for beginners. I'll share the 9 most common questions CPA Networks ask newbies. And what to do if you get DENIED!
Getting Approved on CPA Networks in 6 Steps
1. Apply to the right networks, don't waste your time with the knock offs and unknown networks. I suggest all newbies apply to Peerfly and MaxBounty.
These networks are great for beginners. You should apply to all of them, this way you have a wide offer selection.
These networks are great for beginners. You should apply to all of them, this way you have a wide offer selection.
(Don't make the mistake I did of joining only 1 network when starting out. It really limits you.)
2. The main concept when applying to these networks is to be honest about things. There is no need to try to beef up your application for the CPA Networks or anything down those lines.
Also, NEVER pay for CPA Network accounts from anyone, this is a major scam. Report the seller to the CPA network immediately.
3. CPA Networks will generally ask you a string of questions on the application or sometime via an over the phone interview. Here is what to expect…
What is your website?
If you have a website you plan on running your ads on share it. If you have a company website or even a simple personal blog, go ahead and share it. If you don't have any websites or landing pages, and plan on direct linking just share the URL the place on running traffic from for example.
If you only share your traffic source URL be sure to explain in the notes and when you follow up, that plan to use that website as your traffic source.
Also, you could use a Facebook or LinkedIn page if your profile is public.
What is your vertical?
Vertical means niche. They want to know what do you advertise? Dating offers, Weight Loss, ect?
If you are brand new tell them you're just starting out, and plan to test X vertical.
How do you intend on promoting our offers?
Share how you plan on advertising or getting traffic to their offers.
Will you be running “incent” or incentivized traffic?
No, you don't want to ever run incentivized traffic on a network, unless the network is specifically designed for it or the offer clearly states you are allowed.
Incentivize traffic is when you to give the user a bonus for completing an offer. This could be points, locked content, prizes, or cash.
How much traffic do you anticipate generating?
Give them an estimate, or as I like to tell them “Depends on your offer selection.”
It is just really hard to tell, how much I'll use a network without seeing inside.
How much do you spend daily/weekly/monthly on advertising?
Tell them how much you currently spend. If you're just starting out, tell them you are new and give them the estimated amount you predict.
What is your traffic source?
Share with them your traffic source(s).
How much experience do you have?
Just be honest about this.
Are you a member of any other Affiliate or CPA Networks? If so which ones?
If you are, feel free to share, also it is common for applications to ask for your Affiliate Manager's contact info at the network(s) you are currently on. Go ahead and share this as well.
If you're brand new and aren't on any other networks, just let them know.
How did you hear about our network?
This one shouldn't be too hard.
4. After applying, reach out to them. Give the networks a call, and ask them if there is anything you can do to help make sure your application gets approved. I like to also find out who does approvals and shot him or her a message. This lets them know you are serious and committed. Here is the contact info the previously recommend networks…
5. What to do if you get denied? As I explained in my “How I Made $50/Day as a Newbie!” …
If your application gets denied at first, don’t worry this is pretty common just contact them. Explain your situation.
Affiliate and CPA networks don’t want to keep newbies off, they just want to keep scammers off. So you have nothing to be worried about. (I even get denied sometimes.
Just reach out to them, ask them why, explain your situation, and see what you can do to change things.
MaxBounty's contact info is listed above, for Peerfly, follow this guide here.
6. Lastly be persistent. Like I said, I've been denied from a handful of CPA networks in my career, so don't sweat it! Keep at it. ![:)](